oh miss
raymi la bijouxyou are so talented
and super supportive
thank you for this masterpiece
which now adorns the walls
of my new gig

it is just so amazing to me
how little persons
are so dependent on the big peoples
around them
i guess it is making this big person
start to think about what i want
to teach this little one
about life, love
and all those important stuffs

and all the while
trying to do it
with minimal 'fuks'
snuck in
i have to work on that
i guess its
kinda like
potty training
for the mouth

all i know is
i'm gonna have some crazy glue close by
when Miss O gets older
to repair all the boys' hearts
she's gonna break

so here is where i decide
if worlds should collide
this is a mug..er..headshot
that was not used
on my press release
for my new venture
thing is
i have always been a proponent of being cautious
of what you thrust of yourself
into the e-world
a friend told me that if a search
of my full name and city is done
this blog shows up
and posed the question
as to whether it is something clients should see
what to do
end of the day
i choose not to work in the corporate world
while tact and diplomacy and professionalism
are all trez importante
so is having the freedom to be yourself
and well
this blog is myself
and if an existing or potential client
doesn't like what i write
then perhaps that relationship
will not work
so alas
the response to my friend
who slid me a word of caution was
Oh I dunno....
a few boob shots
and posts about masturbation
might just be good
for business ;)
and well
on the other side of things
some of my friends here who read my blog
have come to love me with the minimal
information they have
of my logistical location on this planet
and i'm not quite sure
that i'm ready to bust out of anonymity
we're talking george costanza
worlds colliding
of epic proportions

that there is a pig
lord of the flies much?

and that there
is a smore
mouth water much?


this is shawn
he now lives with his chick
in my old appartment
i part hate him for it
rest assured
my karaoke ghost
still lingers

hey everybody
its dank
remember him?

dank's hot wife
you probably remember her more

he's new
you won't remember him

oh hi sepia

i started drinking vodka recently
as you can see
even on an island
i'm pretty good at it

this has by far
been the craziest
and most transitional
of my life
i haven't really experienced much
of the lazy days
of summer
and i have been dying to let out
with a screech of excitement
what the fuk

i've been up to