
she liked imaginary men best of all

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

bless the white stripe

i watched a skunk sneeze this morning
it was the most surreal
and fuk'n funny thing
i've seen

posted by radmad

Thursday, September 15, 2005


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the toronto film fest
is a big excuse
to get dolled up

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and liquored up
to spend a shit load
of cash
to see a bad movie

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but it's a good thing
that's not what it's all about
it's about being an annoying
cameratoting freak

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and clicking a pretty cammie d
as she passes by

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do papparazi have to go to
snap the fuk'n picture before they
walk away and have their back to you
school or something?


posted by radmad

Friday, September 02, 2005

from the pages of national geographic

ancient trible indians
used to relocate the delicate
nests of male osprey
to the tops of totem poles

in an effort to ward
off the seasonal fever

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much to the dismay
of those looking for a mate

posted by radmad

new news is good news

things that are new
that i have to say:

- splash gum is good
i have eaten a pack a day
for 2 weeks now
both the vanilla mint
and strawberry kiwi
i even cleaned out all stock
from my corner store
either that or mr. varietystoreman
is hiding it from me
i'll have to deek him out
and sneak in with a crowd

- i took my new bike outside
for the first time last night
and i fell right the fuk over
i didn't even start pedalling yet
the shoes snap in
and well i'm wasn't snappy enough
getting them out
training wheels are the shit
i may need to invest

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- no boy this weekend
might have to pull out the reserves

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i like the flower
nice touch
kinda gives the impression
of a calming tranquility

must change batteries
to avoid calmness
and tranquility

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- peter is better
we are no longer measuring his shits
in PSI's (pounds per square inch)
but he's on steriods
and he has big black balls
which means we went from
a k-car
to a mercedes in 0-60

posted by radmad