Wednesday, April 29, 2009
cheers toast social
if yer not bizzy tonight
there is an art / photography show

Event: ...And That Was But One Exception.
"Kenny's Contact Show Opening"
What: Opening
Host: Ken Remark
Start Time: Wednesday, April 29 at 7:00pm
Where: Toast Restaurant
Corner of Queen Street East & Pape Ave.
cash bar, music, appetizers...oh my!
squirrel on a nut
speaking of nuts
happy birthday dank!!

Monday, April 27, 2009
what is so hardwood for you to understand? carpet blows

this is how fantastical
my universe operates
i took a new apt
with the understanding that the carpet
would be ripped up
and replaced by hardwood
"no problem" they said
t-minus 4 days to move in
and chick calls to say
the new floor is cracking
they are going with carpet
fuk that
i say
lay it again
not five mins lateri get a call from a guy
who manages a sweeeet apt building
and who i called months ago
to get on their waiting list
radmad: "can you describe the place a bit"
mark: "sure. its a one bedroom. hardwood throughout"
radmad: "you are kidding me. you called me today of all days. i'll be right there to see it"
i can just see it now
first day in carpeted chaos
and i give my sixty days notice
and make my way
to hardwood heaven
Sunday, April 26, 2009
hostess with the mostest
Saturday, April 25, 2009
no more sleeps

see you tonight!
Friday, April 24, 2009
you go girl!
big thanks to bob
who gave me the opportunity
to make a donation / loan to support
a third world entrepreneur
Sumya Tumenbaatar is 51, married and the mother of one. Her family lives in a "ger" (a nomadic Mongolian tent) district in Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia. In 2002, she opened a grocery story right next to her house and on the plot of land she owns. Her store is located in a good location and there are no other competitors in the area. She has many repeat clients including her neighbors.
Sumya's husband, Boris, is a cab driver and her only daughter, Handmaa, is studying at a university to become a medical doctor. Sumya is requesting a loan to buy a variety of food products such as flour, rice, vegetable, sugar and candies. Her dream is to have her own supermarket downtown. good luck Sumya!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
orange you glad you woke up today?

bye bye bangs
okay so jen and i
walked dog this morning
and brainstormed a killer idea
for a kid's book
i'm gonna draft first cut today
is it possible
to pursue
four new career streams
let's see
shall we
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
too hardhat to handle

so i'm gonna be on the tele
there is a "woman's only" Habitat for Humanity
in Toronto
May 5th
i'm on the team
and Breakfast Television (City TV)
will be covering the event
starting at 6am
i know most of you fuk'rs won't be up
but tune in before nine
to see me all bright eyed
and er
bushy tailed
she'll loan you her toothbrush
she'll bartend your party
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
three words...
with hanstar
okay that's six
now nine
oh fuk
Monday, April 20, 2009
goshdarn slippery vermon
Sunday, April 19, 2009
hahaha ew

so uh
Rupert Everett got some work done
hmmm wonder if anyone will notice
don't celebrities who do this
actually realize
we are laughing at them?
i think tinseltown should
just give up making movies
cause the real-life shenanigans
of the "celebrities" of today
is way more
king of the world

just saw this tonight
it will make you think
when it ended
the friend i was with
called it depressing
wasn't to me
at all
made me realize
that i have made some pretty significant decisions
as of late
that are leading me along a road
of living life
to the fullest
experiencing things
learning about who i am
and what i'm made of
under my own terms
no rules
round and round

not having a regular routine
a systematic schedule
or a daily dose of to-do's
has made for mucho fun
for this tart
every time she tells herself
"holy fuk this is the last time
i'm gonna go do that"
well don't she just go doin
it all over again
oh what a fabulously
wicked little
Saturday, April 18, 2009
spring wobbly-pop party

send me an
emailif you wanna come!
change zee world

big thanks to Bob (from Massachusetts)
who made a donation to
KivaKiva is the world's first person-to-person micro-lending website, empowering individuals to lend directly to unique entrepreneurs around the globein exchange for a radmad magnet
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
what can i say...
the chicks' still got it
it's just not all where it was
when she was eighteen
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
want a bump?

my creative director
came through
for me

for zee fridge


or bike

donations welcome
for my trip
to argentina
and i will send ya
one of these
limited edition
act now
only eight available
Monday, April 13, 2009

restless legs
restless heart

one day this week
i am going to drop in my token
and ride the street car
for eveeeeer
but yes must stop
for funky things

easter beaster
if you are too young
to eat the cake

stand in it!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
this is fun
flight of the forth night

it is so true
that when you're not at your best
barely feel
like you have the energy

or the pep
or the umph
to go out
you should go out

i met someone great
at the Drake
on friday

i'm actually nervous to call
or i may even wait
for him to call
a novel radmad move
playing the girl
Friday, April 10, 2009
a week not for the weak
oh hi
it's me
been busy
in the last week i have
done stuff
finished my job of 10 years
as an HR consultant
conversed with an accountant
a small business manager
a trademark lawyer
started my own company
so i can get paid
to do stuff
bought a new laptop
hard drive
32 inch flatscreen TV
and a lock
sold a nineteen inch monitor
and a bunch of crap
donated money to the humane society

got a packing list
for argentina
got the number of the only
straight waiter
in a gay bar
signed up for a toronto
habitat for humanity
to the coolest art meets business
spent one whole day under
bed sheets
and babysat

Miss O
Sunday, April 05, 2009
it's me!
i am still
oh man
am i ever!