watching the movie twilight
made me want to
want to
kiss a guy
by not getting
to kiss the guy
i'm not one to bitch and rant
but sometimes you just have to
i am so unbelievably sick and tired
of entitlement bitching people
who complain about the recession
and that the reason their life is shit
and the reason they can find
NO work
is because of the recession
well yes
times are tough
but suck it up princesses
your dream job
may not be in your immediate reach
but get off your whining ass
and find something to at least get by
try harder
take on two part time jobs
take on just one
a shitty one
do something that will pay the bills
even if it's just for now
and not what makes you happy
but all of these people live
the sweet life
sometimes off others' backs
and sometimes for free
because they are not willing to simply
do what it takes
if you can't get a job
fuk if you can't help yourself
get off your ass and help others
take a course
buy a book or visit a library
push paper
or fry fries
woah is me
say goodbye to the horse you may have to sell
to get next months rent paid
boo hoo
do something productive
that doesn't suck the system dry
just because
you think you deserve more
because you don't
look for ways to add value
stop blaming the economy
and the will to succeed
that is what will get you through
and that is why
the strong ones
won't starve

radmad to jen
this morning on a dog walk
"hey i didn't set an alarm today
was lyin in bed
all asleep
and this mrrrrrrr sound
wakes me up
you know it's gonna be a good day
when you are awoken
by the sweet sound
of your massager vibrating
just turned on
by itself
no rhyme or reason
on its own
in the drawer"

my tummy
seriously hurts
from laughing
crazy funny
and sadly
is me
with a dik
is movin
into a shoebox
in the beaches
the same day
as her last day
of her ten year job
and two weeks
before going away
to philantropize in argentina
her head is spinny
and she's gonna have a garage sale
cause she needs to downsize
and further minimalize
and she's sure as fuk
throwin' a kik ass 'roake
to bid her beloved apartment
and she loves change
and can't wait to start
her next chapter
and she's growin' out her bangs
and her eyebrows too

i am officially safe
from hep A & B
yellow fever
the trots
with my luck
i'll end up getting something dumb
like a cold

workin from home today
if a certain neaters
wants to finally deliver
on her promise
of hot chocolate deliciousness
just sayin

it feels like
this decision
is gonna change everything

and there is a chance
that the wrong decision
will be really shitty

every other decision
has always simply
felt right
this one is more
out of necessity
found an apartment
not far from here
half the cost
a third the size

i'm not quite sure
it's big enough
for my life

i may honestly
let a coin
decide this one
leading with her head
and chasing her tail
cause her heart
just ain't in this one

vanity fair is doing a feature
on today's funny peeps
these guys have all made me giggle
in the past few months
sense of humour
mucho importante
oh and check out goggle's home page today
dr. seuss
apparantly the average person
has 500 skills
i believe that
thought about giving up something for lent
but i was three days
after the fact
and what i was going to give up
i pretty much did the opposite
of that during those days
so instead
i will not give up anything
that's how i roll
and i think i just invented
a new word

Dane - Object In Motion says:
i've always wanted to glow
radmad says:
like a firefly?
Dane - Object In Motion says:
that's only an ass glow
Dane - Object In Motion says:
i'm looking for more of a full body thing
radmad says:
like a glow-rgasm?
Dane - Object In Motion says:
Like i was born in a nuclear power plant, yes
radmad says:
i like my word. i will look it up to see if it is new.
Dane - Object In Motion says:
call the dictionary companies
Dane - Object In Motion says:
while you're at it, try to get my favourite word in there was well
Dane - Object In Motion says:
penguich, a penguin sandwich
radmad says:
no such thing
Dane - Object In Motion says:
give me two pieces of bread, tomato, lettuce and a penguin and i'll show you
radmad says:
evil. did you not see march of the penguins?
Dane - Object In Motion says:
yeah, it made me really hungry
radmad says:
Urban Dictionary says "glowrgasm isn't defined yet"
radmad says:

according to neaters the socialista...
who i must note
was walking around asking people if they
thought she was a butch or lipstick lesbian
all the while insinuating that there was in fact
only one
correct answer
... thinks that it is not appropriate
to comment on the ubsurdly fakeness of a wig
worn by the lead singer
of a band
just because he happens
to be playing a concert
for cancer
oh i dunno
bout that

okay so today has consisted of
a void of any sort of productive activity
i do
not however
morning after a crazy fun night
at the Drake

brocolli soup
is pretty delicious
especially when gently oozing
from a dipped boccacini cheese
oh man
weekends like these
make me shake my head and say

hi Miss O
see you in an hour