this girl is going places

her application
and enthusiasm
was accepted by Habitat for Humanity
to travel to Argentina (bordering Chile, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay)
for two weeks in may
to build
a home

but but but
in addition to digging, mixing cement, building walls
and painting
she also gets to bike through wineries
hike the Andes! (world's largest mountain range)
and visit an Argentine Estancia
a real life Gaucho Ranch!
she is over the top
through the roof

would it be wierd
when shopping for appartments
to knock on a potential
neighbours' door
and conduct a small information
interview discussion
you know
a meet
to see if they are cool enough
to live next to
and greet

i think it puts the
in pracktical

just sayin

they actually have "alcohol allowed" seats
at the ACC
which is good
because that way i can have a plastic cup
of red wine
while dancing to sex on fire

i will actually attend this concert
unlike the ben folds one
i skipped out on
for yoga
crazy broad here

why is it
that the very thing you are trying to avoid
always presents itself
at the worst times
and all the time
it's a test

there is an awesome little waitress
at the gabbys in the beaches
i'm not totes sure
i think she may be a lesbian
so if you are also a lesbian
looking to meet another awesome lesbian
go to the gabbys in the beaches
and if you end up hooking up
you owe me a present
this here is why
i am being lame tonight
and well
every saturday night
until may
this girl has goals
and sacrifices
sometimes you've got to make them
fun will always be there
at the end
but the journey itself
is pretty damn rewarding
in itself

in recognition of the great tradition
that is valentine's day
and in honour
of my recent pursuit
of a long term
meaningful relationship
i formally present to you
The List
radmad's guide to moving from oats to molasses
how to make the shift from serial dating to the one-off
lessons learned through the past three
or so years
of my dating life
which i really have not
delved into
on this little site here
anyways here is my "lucky 7" list
of dating don'ts
7. do not mistake great conversation
over a bottle of cab sauv
for love
6. do not fart and / or fall asleep on a date's couch
you may get a cordial "merry christmas" text,
but it will likely be your last date
with said guy
(recent situtation that proved
to not be an effective date tactic)
5. do not "hang out" with a guy for a few months
and then tell him that you think
that you would like to take things to the next level
by starting a monogamous relationship
with him...
unless you know for certain
that he has
not had the expectation of monogamy during said "hang period"
4. do not tell a guy
while laying in his arms
that it is okay,
and perhaps even encourage him
to sleep with other women
3. do not end the date
even if he is a cherub beauty, talented, successful, on TV, athletic etc.
by suggesting that although
he isn't long term material
he may make a superb sperm donor
2. maybe do not send this

just don't
and number one........
1. do not tell a guy
in the heat of the moment
that if you sleep together
you will probably never want to see him again
well okay, this may be one of those "do" things
but again,
not going to result in anything even remotely long term
excerpt from actual email from said one night stand guy:
Hmmm....I totally thought you were bluffing, but time went by..nothing..then x-mas..nothing...new year's....nothing!
You totally used me for sex and told me you were doing it...I feel so weak...so dirty.....
Happy New Year radmad :)

so L'oreal sent me free stuffs
so i would blog about it
don't really wear it
or know how to put it on
gee thanks mom
but it was free
not as in "Free Winona Ryder" free
but as in
it didn't cost anything
so kinda in a twisted way
much like winona ryder free

many shoes
more shoes not shown
you shoe'd buy this makeup

so on a normal day
or dayte
like as in out with a boy
i only wear mascara in the shade of jet black
and lipgloss
in the shade of
my lips
so thank fuk
there was step by step instructions
complete with numbered eye shadow compartments

it stayed on pretty good
like through a drive in the notorious b.u.g
to cabbagetown
and through dinner with lezbot
and a concert

and much wines and maybe a c&d with lime
and late night music downloading
and barefoot appartment hardwood floor dancing

and even endured an ephemeral entaglement
with a dashing lad
until his much too early
dive into unconsciousness
i suppose
had i cared more
we could have tested
its ability to endure moisture
and stay strong power
through the peril of perpetual

thanks L'oreal!
yuh huh another update
still has the best neighbours

is going to be upheaving her whole life by summer
is in search of and will get a new job by May
is pimping out her skills if you want to hire some skill
gets frosty head

is appartment hunting out westside
has become more introspective
immerses herself in that which is truly genuine
is not allowed to play with Miss O like she's a doll

laughed like a giddy nut watching "my best friend's girl"
is jumping into life's next chapter like a kid in a puddle
just needs to see him again