saw this on a billboard on my drive home made me laugh fuk'n brilliant
i hope someone got a raise for this one
now you know too much - part 1
is never a dull moment
sets all of her clocks fifteen + minutes fast
is a voyeur into the lives of others' sadness
refuses to be anything but happy
sleeps very still in place
is the complete opposite of still while awake
just made her car feel like a new woman
gravitates towards go-getters
is proud to be on hanstar's moving crew
is becoming smaller than all her jeans
thinks slippers are constricting
wants the dad she remembers back
has the longest hair she has ever had
doesn't own a hair brush
finds it hard to hide it when she thinks someone is fake
is out of sight but not out of his mind and likewise
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
sweat and pain with a twist of endorphins
i started marathon training this week i forgot how much i love running with people who push me to go harder than i thought i could
this chick has a bit of untapped power in her
who knew
for the next four months i am undistracted from the goal sub 4 hour ottawa marathon in may
Monday, January 28, 2008
radmad supports art
my friend steven is launching a new project called War on Symmetry
offering peoples the opportunity to upload photos depicting assymetry at its beautiful best
Sunday, January 27, 2008
feel good sunday
today neaters and i made some sad doggies smile
i almost kept it for myself
conversations and reminiscing
with grade school friends of 15 plus years
are what make you remember where you came from
and how a bit less dorky you are now
jay is the most fun to birthday shop for
cause he loves toys more than any kid alive
you want more fans, i want more stage
today i met kenneth who reads my blog and who emailed me almost a year ago from NC in the US
to say he reads my blog
mr kenneth was in TO this week for werk so we met over coffee and we talked about how he runs like me and how he bikes like me and he has unruly hair like me and he has a goat
umm not like me
at all
Friday, January 25, 2008
thanks guys!
most amazing
photo cred to fil and no pics of raymi because she is under a 2 day photo ban due to posting a real fugly one of moi
oh and i own her art now
ps. sorry if you were there and not in a photo harley, craig, melissa, chris, john et al
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
i think some sparkle is in order
open invite i specifically chose a place where the drinks are stupid yummy yet stupid expensive so that i would be able to show up for work tomorrow
Monday, January 21, 2008
muneday movie night
Emilio says: Still high off my dinner party.
Emilio says: I will make you a great quinoa-lentil stew someday.
radmad says: okie.
radmad says: i just came home from cloverfield
Emilio says: And?
radmad says: crap
Emilio says: What was the monster?
radmad says: big
Emilio says: So you did get to see it?
Emilio says: Somewhat satisfying?
radmad says: i saw it. it was big and i wanted it to kill the dumb people. but they all die anyways so it was eventually satisfying
radmad says: oh. er. spoiler coming up
Emilio says: Cool. Thanks for the detailed spoiler.
Emilio says: Ha!
Emilio says: It's OK. I'm not 'one of those people' who gets infuriated at people who spill the beans.
radmad says: that's cause then you can grab them up and put them in that quinoa stew
there is no try. there is only do
sometimes i make myself a fancy romantic dinner to remind myself that i'm the greatest
and i bugged him about his CBC coat and that if we gets stuck reporting the curling at the beijing olympics that i will be his "inside dorkxpert" and make him look smart
and teach him all the lingo and cool terms
then we got all intellectual and philosophical and we had the coolest talk about the twilight episode titled "To Serve Man" which i have never seen but tapped into my hardwired cynicism to immediately get that it was a cookbook
and we debated chuck klosterman's theory that earth is actually pergatory and how science and religion are both botched at explaining existence and how evolution is the only way god damn it
and then we touched on the whole idea of innovation
and then he went and trumped me by using a word i didn't know and it sounded like he used it in the right context even and he demonstrated meaning with glasses as a visual
fuk i forgot that he's not just a jock but kinda earned that whole english lit degree thingy
oh and he has also earned the title of raddy's Yoda even though he doesn't do a very good impression and is a bad influence on me getting in form for my early morning run
Sunday, January 20, 2008
can't fight it
sat on my feet for a night
welcome back dank and meg your beasts only need a few sessions of counselling due to your absence
but they may have just been lucky enough to have acquired a speck more of funk in your absence
happy birthday bob
cheers x2 cyan nut
so tired so lazy so need a new sunrise
Friday, January 18, 2008
don't ever forget that life is short
the last thing you wrote to me...
I want to know you forever.
Cheer up, ChNce
Chance A. Pritchard Rest in peace my friend
you are the closest i have ever been with a person that i will never have the privilage of meeting
Thursday, January 17, 2008
got marshmallows?
i still haven't taken down my christmas tree
the bad news is that it is pretty fuk'n dry and what might be considered by some as an extreme fire hazard
the good news is that the decorations have started to finally take the initiative to slowly but surely remove themselves into a neat'ish little pile on the floor
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
you know when someone says 'i have the worst drivers license photo'?
i'm not sure but maybe there is some heaven for expired driver's licenses
or maybe a museum
if not there should be cause mine is a historical artifact of ugly
and it finally expires next week after five years of causing me mucho embarassment
it was taken during my hair grow out days i had it cropped and crimped and big
bad enough to make a parkdale prosti look glam
i have had bouncers snicker and lcbo reps laugh and it doesn't help that for 31 i look 20
so it was out
and no you can't see it
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
the top of her head was getting all the airtime
sometimes i think it would be stressful to be an actor
i think the worst part would be if the character you played was cooler than you in real life
Maverick ala Tom Cruise Lee ala Maggie Gyllenhaal (secretary) any julia roberts character (in real life she bugs me)
and oh i dunno i'm sure there's lots more
the end is a start
somedays she was the farthest thing from what he probably needed
and others she was the one thing he didn't even know he was looking for all along
Monday, January 14, 2008
top of her mind
that there on the desk is an unchecked lottary ticket
some days luck is so on my side that i might just have a winner
others unluckiness would probably result in me winning kazillions
i can honestly say that winning would not make me as happy as one would think it should
Sunday, January 13, 2008
under the sheets
i have a silly little obsession with better than the original covers right now
it started a month or so ago with Mark Ronson covering the Smith's "stop me"
and Corrine Bailey Rae doing "Sexyback" by jt
now check this
Saturday, January 12, 2008
little squirt
this little fuk'r although sweet and delicious put up quite the fight
my eye is still stinging
i am going to buy a copy of PostSecret today for no other reason but to be inspired to think different things and to peek into others' lives for an afternoon
then i may take down my christmas tree
i wish there was someone i could just call to do it
it is so opposite the experience taking it down as it is putting it up no joy man not a bit
i've had this thing up for so long and it is so dry that i am going to be picking up pine needles for
what i have learned of love as of late is that unhappiness in marriage or commitment is the new single
it's everywhere and i don't know how this has come to be but it makes me sad and it makes me doubtful and it tarnishes me with an unbounding sense of hopelessness that anything is truly forever