Sunday, December 30, 2007
dress code: sweater and bikini

this may be my most crazy fun new years
me, hanstar, neaters and jessie
are driving 6+ freaking hours on new years eve morning
to stay in
this chalet in mount tremblant (um hello fun pool table & veranda hot tub)
to party with 20+ people we have not yet met
to then turn around and drive home new years day
good news for me is that we are taking a stick shift vehicle
which i do not know how to drive
and i will likely sleep for most of the drive
because i am a savage narcoleptic in cars
i have printed off five versions of directions
we are sooo not getting lost on my watch
Saturday, December 29, 2007
i ruff each one of you

dank and dank's hot wife
came with me on a voyage
first to costco
to get paper towels

and then to the Humane Society
to donate them
along with some bed sheets and blankets
i no longer use

there was a little jack russell
named chloe
that is eight years old and fear bites
her little note also said she doesn't like other dogs
i told her "i don't blame ya sista"
i would have brought her home but madison would have
staged a coup d’état

donate today!
day one
new year
new priorities
keep the old ones
the ones to make yourself a better person

but also think outside yourself
and try to make the world better
an ice cap equivalent to the size of ontario
melted in the past year
pakistan is in complete unrest
and an ass who may be tried for war crimes still runs the US
i thought of something i am going to do today
that is going to make things
maybe just only a bit better
but it's a start
there's a lyric in one of matty g's songs
21st century living
Around here our ambition throws an non-perishable item in a donation bin at Christmas
And it pats itself on the fucking back because it thinks it's done something decentwell you know what mr. righteous
if everyone DID donate just one can
we'd be a hell of alot further ahead
and we would also cumulatively have a lot
more people who even thought that they need to so something
Friday, December 28, 2007
someone was going to have to set a bad example
but first...
it was looking like a curl up
with pooch on the couch
watch movies
drink hot chocolate
and philosophize life
kinda day
things just turned into
'adventure afternoon'
Thursday, December 27, 2007
toots in boots

i am seriously running off turkey
and fumes
its not even nine and all i can think about
is the crisp new sheets i got from santa
and how i plan on curling up and getting lost in them

then tomorrow i will get up
and run off the turkey
and make "eat my dust" fumes
blast outta my runners
harlequin romanticism

fridge fun at family dinner

nothing shocks them any more
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
70 clicks per hour on the off ramp (or did that sign say 40?)
impromptu road trip to
st kitts...
leave the light on
and don't wait up
us girls will be home for dinner
er maybe dessert
Monday, December 24, 2007
crash landing

one more sleep
sorry santa
i ate your cookies
and spiked your milk
maybe i've been that bad
but with the best of intentions
as long as i make it onto one of your lists
i'm a happy kid this kristmas
Sunday, December 23, 2007
werd to the bird

heeeeeello delicious deep fried friend

the cooking crew
how many men does it take...

cause birdie
had to be reinserted into grease cesspool

my buddy himerus
thought that it was a BYOE party

bring your own embryo

dude is finishing his last experiment
to finish his phD
hope the little fellers enjoyed the partay

melissa got my secret santa ugly sweater present
then i stole it back

okay bye now bird
Saturday, December 22, 2007
speed demons
mon amie
sjm - of nevermindyear fame
came along on my long run this morning
well at least
for a commendable 11-12 of the 21km trek
it's the first time he's run in months
since the last time i let him join me
so i was super impressed
even though i think he may go into
coronary arrest by days end
"is my heartbeat supposed to be fluttering
like a canary"
no i don't think so
deep fried turkey party fun tonight
DANK!!!! says:
can you shine a light out your bathroom window to illuminate the pad in the backyard?
DANK!!!! says:
that is where we are going to deep fry blast the turkey

radmad says:
will it be bright enough? perhaps it might be better if you lit up that fatass halo hanging over your perfect head. heh
DANK!!!! says:
conserving power
DANK!!!! says:
enerstar compliant now
Friday, December 21, 2007
our hero is a "girl"

why oh why
must she always be so misunderstood
santa's babies
Thursday, December 20, 2007
something up her sleevy

i gift wrapped the black triangular
that didn't make the cut
and am using is as my joke secret santa present
we play this game where
you pick a present
and can steal other peoples'
before they are unwrapped
so you go for the funkiest looking packaging
i jammed an lcbo giftcard
in the sleeve though
and put it all in a la senza box
the trickery is boundless
this one's for my dad
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
she had eaten too many apples

i have only
19 days of desogestrel
and 7 days of placebo left
to find a new doctor
Monday, December 17, 2007
if you are just starting something new
a family
a marriage
a new baby
can i say just do one thing
buy a decoration
from my momthe most precious thing to me at christmas
now that i have moved out
and live on my own
is decorating my tree each year
with the same decorations that i have put on the tree
for so many years
since i was a little girl
with my mom, dad and sister
each year while drinking hot chocolate
and listening to the chipmunks belt out the carols
from our record player
pinecone skier dude i made in girl guidesanyways, i think that traditions are important
and keep us close to family
who are often only now in our thoughts
and the memories that flood back
are precious
radmad's kringle kard of 2008
some lucky person
is gonna get this from moi

poor mrs. clausesanta knows where all the naughty girls live
Sunday, December 16, 2007
snow angels
good morning snow

good morning for a snow shoe run
with my girl
who has a hate on for her fur

i also shovelled the driveway
just in case
it needs to be clear
clearly i can't be more clear
Saturday, December 15, 2007
i think
that i'm totally going to regret
the 18km run i'm about to embark on
okay mr wintery wind
and mr slippery slip
show me what you've got
yule love the log
nice sweater bob

nice hitmen suits boys
guess you didn't get the memo
that you were to dress fugly
and not look prettier than all the girls there

i talked with some guy named moe
he told me he is a government employee
who does his dog the bounty hunter job
in 1.5 hours
and reads blogs for the rest of his day
sweet gig

don't show up late to a party
if you are hoping to eat more than one
of the delicious pecan shortbread balls

i told this guy that i was going to take a picture
of his shoes
and he said "these fuk'n ugly things?"
and i'm like wow
that is so why i was taking a picture of them

snowman earmuffs

folkstar sean
strummed the best pearl jam song invented
and the rest of us managed to pollute the air
with our vocals