Friday, November 30, 2007
the beauty of a winter morning run
time on clock
reads four thirty nine
this morning

or just plain crazy?
an icy cold blend of both
breezing through bated breaths
that burn through flated lungs
today is hill day
pop an endorphin pill day
energized for eternity day
get an early buzz on life day
kick Silverbirch's ass day
Thursday, November 29, 2007
a dirty thought
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
so big for being so single

going to costco
and shopping for one
is so completely impractical
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
poignant penstrokes
one of my favourite things
is getting nice surprises in the mail
running world magazine
birthday and christmas cards
mac lipgloss that was a limited edition and out of stock
in every mac store for miles
and should arrive any day
and letters from almost strangers
who i meet through my blog
and once briefly in person
but who kinda
manage to get even a bit of who i am

this is my favourite excerpt:
and maybe that is why i like talking to you
i get the sense that you share a bit of my healthy discontent
with the ordinary worlds in which we find ourselves
it is the attitude that nothing is ever just right
we can get close - so close -
but there is forever an unfinished project ahead
and this is why it is so important
to be as optimistic and energetic as we are
there is alot of progress to be made
Saturday, November 24, 2007
east side invasion of west side

i love how you get to dress
completely different
depending on what part of toronto
you are heading to
makes for a perfect excuse
to have 3+ wardrobes

karaoke at Gladstone
first she sang
You're so vain

then she and hanstar
hanster and her
hanster and i

Mary Jane's last Dance

then football fans from out of town
started a bar brawl with locals
just after i hopped in a cab

i'm trying to play cupid to jordan (above)
and mon amie melissa
just email her
girls kinda like it when you email them
the perils of crazy jack

dogsitting jickitty jack this weekend
the cancelled plansradmad says:
i did not go. i am dogsitting jack and he had a half hour seizure. so i stayed with him
Emilio says:
radmad says:
i know. it broke my heart.
radmad says:
but then the little fuk'r took up all my bed and woke me up a hundred times during the night. madison hates him
Emilio says:
What kind of dog is Jack?
radmad says:
a jack russell.
radmad says:
that is jack
Transfer of "cute+jack.jpg" is complete.
Emilio says:
Seems harmless.
radmad says:
yeah right.
radmad says:
i'm going to take them for an hour walk along the beach, off leash, make them chase sticks... basically kick their asses hard. then they will come home and try to sleep and i will keep waking them up. payback is a bitch doggies!
jack's dad checking insj says:
all is good?
radmad says:
oh yes. we went for a long walk along the beach and then he jumped in the shower with me.
radmad says:
radmad says:
radmad says:
radmad says:
wasn't referring to a
radmad says:
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
who will write my dance moves?

another devastating tragedy hits
the United States of America
i love it
hollywood writers are on strike
let's make these talk show hosts
get up there and work some of their OWN comedic magic
on stage
let's just see just how funny
they really are
maybe aren't
so much
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
puddles of fun

every boring office
needs one of these pillows
will someone please bring the spirit of christmas back

every year for christmas i make a list
of who i would like to buy for
and what i will get for them
and every year
i would just prefer to make a donation
to a charity i know that person would like
or i also think about writing a special card
that says all the things i like/love about the person
and a little trinket to go along
but then i wonder if people will think
i'm being lazy or cheap or something
so i don't
Sunday, November 18, 2007
king and queen tart

elvis is hanging out in my kitchen
i think he has been doing one of those
grapefruit and cayenne pepper cleanses
because he's lost alot of his bloat
and dropped a few pounds
tomorrow i'm going to let him
use my free weights
while i'm at work
in exchange
he's going to teach me how to gyrate my hips
while i karaoke to pussycat dolls
so hanstar and i
went to get eats
and see a band at the rivoli last night
she is two degrees separated from the drummer
they were not very good
sorry, but they weren't
according to hannah, however
they had good chemistry
that's what she told the drummer's wife
she may as well have called them "breathtaking"
eh elaine?
always a bridesmaid
well maid of honour
and well... only the first time
so. anyways
some pics are big
some are small
no fuk'n patience
to resize them all

hi dad

its genetic

easy there grampa

me and mike
zak's best man and my co-MC
and i though I loved the mic
Thursday, November 15, 2007
lean and mean

my new Jari Love
'Get ripped and chiseled"
and 'Ripped to the core'
workout videos arrived today
i say yip
to getting ripped
please handle with more care
so my gramma
has alzteimers (sp?)
and a week and a half ago
she sadly had to move into a long term care facility
just a couple of days ago
someone walking along the street
saw her looking all confused
as she was strolling blocks away
from the home
she had walked right out
and escaped
the person who saw her
went to the facility and asked if they were missing someone
oh my god
how terrifying
i'm angry
doesn't this kinda thing only happen
on TV?
my gramps
who is a fun, spirited and vivacious scottish lad
is pretty sad and misses his love
so my sis and i are going to surprise him
and take him to swiss chalet on monday
dear god,
please don't let me get old
older than i already am
but if you must
at least let me always feel as young
as i do today
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
the final countdown

Emilio says:
Do you get more freckles as you get older, or does the number stay the same?
radmad says:
i've never counted

radmad says:
one day when i have alot of money, maybe i will pay someone to do that

radmad says:
k. i have to go read about how to run a marathon.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
hey baby
Emilio says:
Do you really want to adopt a kid?
Emilio says:
I have been having these fucked up thoughts about getting a vasectomy.
radmad says:
so you can have sex more?

Emilio says:
Emilio says:
Emilio says:
I don't know.
radmad says:
you don't want a kid?
Emilio says:
No real logic, except that I think adoption is a really good idea.
Emilio says:
No non-narcissistic defence I can find for having a kid myself.
radmad says:
i would'nt adopt. i would buy sperm
radmad says:
i have a dog, i would have a kid
Emilio says:
We aren't around for ever.
radmad says:
what does that have to do with having a kid?
Emilio says:
I wouldn't want to have one if I were 45 for the first time, for instance.
radmad says:
oh no. me neither. that's why i am thinking about it now. i'm getting OLD
Emilio says:
That's what I'm saying; it's a good thing to think about.
Emilio says:
I like the idea of being a single parent, though. Probably more time-consuming, but it could be a good way to do it.
Emilio says:
New family units get formed all the time.
Emilio says:
And divorce is fucking horrible. Same with fighting.
Emilio says:
I like being alone. The problem is generally that I like kissing, too.
radmad says:
i'd rather find one down the road that feels right than settle for one just for the sake of having a partner to raise a kid with and spend my non-child rearing moments fantasizing about how i would most want to kill the fuk'r
hip to be in a square casserole dish
this weekend revolved around food
i made soup
see below
and i also made an eggplant lasagna
my first ever lasagna
it has almost no carbs
but what it lacks in carbs
it makes up for in explosive taste

dank also made a lasagna
with homemade spelt noodles
so we had a taste-off
and harley across the street exclaimed that mine had a
"nicER taste"

that's right
oh and trevor who HATES eggplant
even thought it was good
i now have about 8 pieces of heaven
all neatly packed in tupperwares
in my freezer
to launch upon the world
at a later time
Saturday, November 10, 2007
2 cabbage heads, 2 cups of love and simmer
i am making soup
of the cabbage sort

two pots of it even

it's colourful
and it's gonna last me forever

and this is me waiting
for it to cook
Friday, November 09, 2007
working for the weekend

i sat and had drinks last night
with a woman who has been recognized
by Profit Magazine
as one of canada's top 100
women entrepreneurs
she was intelligent
with high energy
and a great smile
and she makes alot of money
i'm not sure i need to be on a list
but i do want to one day
be recognized for having accomplished
something great
Monday, November 05, 2007
stick a fork in her, she's done
i've had it up to here
(hand horizontally waving five inches above crown of head)
why the fuk
do i need to know
what kind of drink
she orders from starbucks
like seriously
crazy overdose of her train wreck antics
this is how serious i am about this
i mean
i don't ever talk about hollywood
or movie stars
or big name music peeps on this
because i don't really follow it
although i do keep close tabs
on edward norton's relationship status
and i may have attached a gps system
to his left shoe
but again
not something i talk about

Sunday, November 04, 2007
chick and doo-wop weekend

me and me biatches
are so efficient at being super friends
that we can catch up on life
drink a bottle of crown
eat a 24 piece pizza the size of a football field
watch a chick flick
laugh like giddyheads
dance like rockstars
surf pictures
and still manage
to pass out so early that
our grammas were probably still out partying

insert baby radmad here
somedays i think that if i don't find
a dude to ruin my happy existence
then i will just call rent-a-dik
and get preggers
and be a single mom
cause i'd rather be one woman raising a child
thank one woman raising a child
and a man
= two kids
tony is a good dad
and he is going to teach his girlies
about canada
m is for maple syrup
and also for megacooldad

holy amazing hot blue eyes
Saturday, November 03, 2007
lone star
i have just recently
come to some sort of understanding
as to why i love buying groceries
i control what i buy
how much
which brand
what quantity
i think that there is a very strong
between independence
and control
i hold them both tightly
in both hands
which makes it hard to carry in the grocery bags

that's me
second from the left