Friday, August 31, 2007
the bond of dog
elizabeth is in vancouver
and she sent me this little gift of adorableness
if i had a hoverbot
like i keep saying i'm gonna get soon
i would jet over to vancouver
pet mitzie
and ask elizabeth if i could share a photo op with her
on the best window with a view
i've ever seen
thank you my dear
enjoy the berry pancakes
apparantly i left my lights on
DANK!!!! says:
DANK!!!! says:
you left your car lights on
DANK!!!! says:
in the driveway
DANK!!!! says:
your car
DANK!!!! says:
it's lights are on
DANK!!!! says:
not off
DANK!!!! says:
like you thought
DANK!!!! says:
but on
DANK!!!! says:
the polar opposite of dank
DANK!!!! says:
very undank
DANK!!!! says:
and on
DANK!!!! says:
your lights
DANK!!!! says:
the ones on your car
DANK!!!! says:
they are on
DANK!!!! says:
if there was an off test to be had
DANK!!!! says:
your car would loose
DANK!!!! says:
DANK!!!! says:
you'd think it would do good, and for good reason.
DANK!!!! says:
but it wouldnt
DANK!!!! says:
all the other off cars
DANK!!!! says:
would surpass it
DANK!!!! says:
and you'd be sad
DANK!!!! says:
DANK!!!! says:
your car lights are on
DANK!!!! says:
DANK!!!! says:
not "were off"
DANK!!!! says:
here and now
DANK!!!! says:
DANK!!!! says:
in the driveway
DANK!!!! says:
in the now of now
DANK!!!! says:
even a bhuddist monk would know
DANK!!!! says:
they are on
DANK!!!! says:
not off in any sense of the word
DANK!!!! says:
but ON!!!???
DANK!!!! says:
your car would fuxen KILL at an international meet
DANK!!!! says:
of cars that are on
DANK!!!! says:
not off
DANK!!!! says:
and it would bring home the gold
DANK!!!! says:
well maybe the bronze
DANK!!!! says:
some BMW with those quartz halogen bulbs
DANK!!!! says:
might get the next medal up
DANK!!!! says:
but it would have a pretty good chance
DANK!!!! says:
so ...
DANK!!!! says:
maybe it's practicing for a really important car meet
DANK!!!! says:
all the bright lights of the world caucus
DANK!!!! says:
together for the first time
DANK!!!! says:
to have a lightoff
DANK!!!! says:
your lights are on
DANK!!!! says:
DANK!!!! says:
in the driveway
DANK!!!! says:
really really on
DANK!!!! says:
not just sorta on
DANK!!!! says:
DANK!!!! says:
Thursday, August 30, 2007
which one of these doesn't belong

i went to pick up
my maid of honour dress
and the little old italian lady
who runs the hole in the wall shop
ordered me the wrong colour
not cool
this is one of those rare times
when my distate for uniformity
is definately not an option
just alot of words
this all or nothing behaviour
that had once perpetuated her success
by delivering from her gut
an unmatched discipline
and perserverance
was quickly turning against her
in a mad rage
of self betterment and commitment to an idealism
which knawed at that is was supposed
to protect
and she fought against it
with the same fierocity
with which she continued to fuel its fire
she was dichotic
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
x-rated x
Monday, August 27, 2007
see enn eee

radmad and friends
be going to the ex
the cne
the midway
the carnival of chaos
the reason why they call it "the Ex"
is because it's so freaking EXpensive
expensive and fun
so alas i go
with my posse
to the ex
Saturday, August 25, 2007
i do...i did... i would...if i could

flying solo
to a wedding ce soir
ala rosewater supper club
please sit me not
next to the oldest
in the family
Friday, August 24, 2007
change your hair, change your life

spidey senses danger

where have you been all my life

spidey came to fight
read: flirt with
raymi pirates

someone forgot to take home
his beautifully colourful swimtrunks
adorned with hot naked mermaids

what is this a fuk'n seahorse seashell party
Thursday, August 23, 2007
day 3... again

DANK!!!! says:
weekend girl
radmad says:
what are you doing? I WANT TO DRINK BAD.
radmad says:
I'm trying to decide if i want you to talk me out of it.
radmad says:
or not
DANK!!!! says:
DANK!!!! says:
DANK!!!! says:
lemme know
DANK!!!! says:
i can go either way
radmad says:
surprise me
DANK!!!! says:
want a 3 week old 1/2 bottle of angus?
radmad says:
hmmm can you do a quick fruit fly count?
DANK!!!! says:
ur the only fruit fly in this crackerjack sister
radmad says:
maybe i should go find a recipe to make for dinner that has cooking wine in it
DANK!!!! says:
radmad says:
i fukn need a sponsor
DANK!!!! says:
poor pussy whipped bastard
DANK!!!! says:
cant drink till friday
DANK!!!! says:
NIGHT at that
DANK!!!! says:
maybe meg will give me a day pass
DANK!!!! says:
for working so hard...
DANK!!!! says:
or maybe not...
DANK!!!! says:
radmad says:
that is an all new level of gay you are living in
radmad says:
my parents drank while trying to make me happen. and i'm ok
DANK!!!! says:
ya recon you are a poster girl for well adjusted adult do ya?
the way it was and you were

things would be a whole lot fuk'n different
if you were still around
pretty girl
i'd say that word less
for example
ps. welcome back
Monday, August 20, 2007
take a picture of this kidd
j-man and i finally got to run together after a long haitus
and were peeling along the boardwalk
circa 5am this morning

radmad and jman circa 2005
he has
finally realized that running
is cooler than hockey
and i'm pretty sure is considering
turning that silly leafs lunch gig
into a running show
cause the only thing more fun than running
is talking about running
he doesn't know it yet
but we're gonna tackle 7 hills this week
cause he's now in training
for the half marathon he doesn't know he's running
in october
Sunday, August 19, 2007
a day with radmad
i made this little bundle of joy
around 9am

then biked with dank to queen st west
see below

moved the $15 armour from my balcony
into my bedroom
so it actually
looks like someone lives in there
it's just one more thing to dust

then i secured my employment
for at least another quarter

by buying this for my boss'
50th birthday

still not tired
i fought off a militant army
set on invading and overturning
my regime

then daisy duke showed up
to model the new t-shirt she created
i think i shall make her prez of my one person
fan club
then i participated in sunday bbq
and played beach frisbee
and tried to order granola bars online
but after filling out many boxes
realized i have to be a yankee
so there is officially one thing
that makes the US better than canada
online shipping of clif mojo peanut butter bars

i felt like me again today
rode my bike to queen west for a croissant
and window shopped in the shops
that sell the clothes
that used to make my exterior emmenate the funkiness
that still swirls the interior
it reminded me of how
your environment can perpetuate the bland
and the mundane
kinda like spray painting a wildflower
Saturday, August 18, 2007
crossing forehead lines

so despite going to this bootcamp
end of september
it doesn't look like we will doing
much booting
i'm going with my hot classy boss
and we made reservations
to eat at robbie deniro's restaurant called
AGOwe are also apparantly going to some
VIP party hosted by one of the expensive car brand companies
so now i need to go find some kickass
party dress
in good news
in the less than three weeks
of my sobriety
i have dropped 8 pounds
with a gruelling ten more to go
Friday, August 17, 2007
day 19 and someone is going to die
DANK!!!! sends:

Accept(Alt+C) Save As...(Alt+S) Decline(Alt+D)
DANK!!!! says:
did i send you that?
radmad says:
yeah. 1986 called. they were wondering where that fukn jpeg had disappeared to....
radmad says:
old news man
DANK!!!! says:
glad to see that f'ing bitch surgury you had worked out
radmad says:
it's a tumma.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
paint that sugar on me - UPDATE

Hi Sarah,
My name is 'chick' and I am a blah blah for The List television show. I got your email about wanting to be body painted, and I wanted to talk to you about why you want to do it, as well as if you might be available this afternoon to come into our office to talk with the producers, and if you are available tomorrow morning for filming the story.
If you could email me your telephone number or give me a call, that would be great.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you,
Have you ever had a nightmare about being naked in public?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reply to:
Date: 2007-08-15, 10:20AM EDT
Now’s your chance to get over your fear – by walking down the street wearing nothing but body paint.
All you need is a little help from the folks at The List, a wish fulfillment television show airing this fall on Slice. If chosen you’ll be body painted by a professional before strutting your stuff – in front of a television crew and the lunch hour crowd. What better way to get really comfortable in your own skin, show off and have a whole lot of fun at the same time?
If you or someone you know has always wanted to be body painted, email with a recent photo of yourself and the reason why you want to be body painted. Put "Body Paint" in the subject line.

only because i totally forgot to add
"walk down the street naked
wearing only body paint"
to my list of things
i never thought to do
i applied
liver to me

day 17
i'm irritable
i went to the health food store
and bought milk thistle today
to rid my poor little liver of toxins
go hard
and go strong little purple flower
clean away
scrub hard
and if you don't mind
take a moment to er
dust off anything you may find
that may need some dusting
along the way

iiiiiiiiif you know what i mean
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
eye land eff you enn

we should be re-enactment actors
we're pretty believable
i mean
i'd believe i was about to kill him
totally real

sj is primary colour man
notice the blue crocs

it's like sesame street exploded on him

watch you don't get attacked
in the forest
by freckles
they got us bad

real bad