this weekend was eff you enn
so busy
so liquified
the recycle man is gonna
curse my curb
in the morn

happy "you're too old to do cartwheels now" birthday

i rode my bike home from Joy bistro
on queen east
now i should have a picture of that

oh and thanks girl
for wearing your "i'm not a lesbian" tshirt
walking with two jack russells
down the boardwalk with me
cause if the people of the beaches
were wondering
then i may as well get myself
a sexy little t that says somethin like
"i'm a vaginatarian"

dj jazzy jazz festival
in the beaches this weekend
which i hate
it makes me feel claustraphobic
cause it is fuk'n hard
to get from a to b
amidst the crowds of suburban immigrants

so instead of beating them
us chicks
joined 'em

saturday was supposed to be
dry night


keg party at tom's

then it got to be kinda late
and we had to be up to run 10km
in the first ever Beaches Jazz Run

so we woke up kinda still drunk
and some (one) of us (not me)
decided to pop an e pill
an hour before start time

How to Train Wrecked
chapter 7
radmad will have a ghost writer

is the smell of burnt popcorn
700th post
seven hundred
lucky number seven
lucky for you
you are okay with how you live

it's funny how people
will settle
not me
i will fight
for my happiness
i will live each day content
until i find that which makes me truly happy
i will not succumb
to timelines
to expectations
to a false sense of securities
and be so unaware
as to think that someone else
is responsible for my happiness
life is too short.......

i'm sorry
you just won't do

may your special day
be filled with carafes of fine beer
caynons of kisses
and loads of loose women
or at least a free meal

himerus says:
how you doing?
radmad says:
fantabulous. you?
himerus says:
himerus says:
it almost sounds as if you are being "well looked after"....
radmad says:
huh? now? i'm eating
himerus says:
i mean, are you getting laid?
radmad says:
nope. no sex for me
himerus says:
you not wanting it?
himerus says:
or can't get it?
himerus says:
surely, it can't be the latter
himerus says:
perhaps I have low standards, and thus your high ranking is just an anomaly of my relative perception
radmad says:
nah. just too lazy
himerus says:
himerus says:
too lazy to lie on the beach and have the men swarm around you like flies to a piece of
himerus says:
himerus says:
sweet succulent tempting fruit
radmad says:
yup pretty much
himerus says:
wow that is lazy
quizes are fun
especially when they confirm
that you are officially
and they're quick-like
and cheaper than a therapist
and more hairy than Dr. phil
someone over at MSN is stuck
in something pretty shitty
and created this quiz

The following items represent beliefs and practices related to the strength of your commitment to your partner and your relationship. Read each statement and answer "true" or "false."
• I focus more on my partner's faults than on his/her strengths.
• I have habits of great concern to my partner (for example, drinking, spending, overworking, flirting, displaying anger).
• I am in a better mood at work than I am at home.
• I am difficult to live with.
• I prefer sharing exciting events with someone other than my partner.
• I put my own needs before my partner's.
• I put my own needs before the needs of the relationship.
• I wouldn't want my partner to know about all the activities I engage in on the computer.
• I have romantic fantasies about a person in my life other than my partner.
• I dress to attract the attention of someone other than my partner.
• I talk negatively about my partner to others.
• I would rather spend time with my friends/colleagues than my partner.
• I have romantic feelings for someone other than my partner.
• I have sent e-mails I would not want my partner to read.
• I get more pleasure from work than from my relationship.
• I have more than one friend that I am closer to than my partner.
• I put far more energy into my work than my relationship.
• I'm nicer to other people than I am to my partner.
• Much of the time I spend with my partner I am stressed out or exhausted.
• I am continually multitasking.
• It's difficult for my partner to get my undivided attention.
• I give my hobbies/pastimes more attention than I give my partner.
• My favourite activities do not include my partner.
• I leave it up to my partner to keep the excitement going.
• My life has few high points.
• Even good events don't make me as happy as I think they should.
she was starting to forget

what her handwriting looks like
she shot herself in the foot

you are crazy if you stand in line
to wait for the ferry to toronto island

we took a water taxi
and it zoomed us there in a jiffy
and our bikes enjoyed the ride too
they got to sit on the bow
and what did i find...

i asked the captain if there was karaoke
on the boat
he said no
then i asked to touch is mic
and he said no
it was kinda like putting a cold glass of beer
next to a raging alcoholic
and saying no

a big ball of sweet water

then we played frisbee

nice jump
nice wedgie

then we hid under stuff

and drank stuff

and rode around

then i went pee in a bush

and felt much better

this is spiderman taking a break from crime
to order icecream

today is bikeride adventure day