Sunday, February 25, 2007
information leek
victory at last

my sports doc
gave me a blood requisition
to test my cortisol and testerone etc
so i snuck on the form to also check blood type
and it's a+
so upon further research
i determined that according to the
"Eat right for your type" guru
peoples with this type have low stomach acidity
and therefore do not process protein efficiently
and should consider a vegetarian-based diet
with minimal meat sourced protein
which means no red meat
which means lots of nuts and tofu
which means no fatty dairy
which means lots and lots of veggies
which means i have minimal changes to make
to my current diet
which means fuuuuk
i wanted some new found change
to alter my entire internal body composition
and functionality
so that i became superhuman healthy and strong
which means maybe i'm closer than i'd thought
i should stay away from peppers
which i eat almost every day
which kinda give me gas
so i'm thinking all this may have some legitimacy
so no peppers
were put in my cart
at loblaws
oh and leeks are good for me
so i bought leeks
which i have no idea what to do with
other than put in the veggie crisper
next to the brocolli
and tell them to play nice
Thursday, February 22, 2007
al for PM
i don't follow politics
perhaps i should
but i don't use social services
i don't own a business
or have a family
and if our taxes are magically reduced
gas prices will increase
or the cost of our daily coffee will skyrocket
we live in a world
of checks and balances
i also believe people in government are guilty
until proven innocent
i question motives
and i find it hard to believe that most people
are genuinely altruistic
or well intentioned
beyond what will result in personal gain or reprieve
i do however think
that the mis-election of this man

is one of the united states of asshats'
greatest acts of idiocy
back fire
big thanks
to jeff
pimping me out today
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
heavy metal

1:57:57 chip time
finished in the top third

one bag of sharkies
one vanilla energy gel
four waters chugged
one kickass endorphin rush
Thursday, February 15, 2007
yes we dressed in red and pink on purpose

a jet plane
will fly me to myrtle beach
this weekend
so that i can run
a half marathon
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
hey boy
is she everything
that you wanted
and more
but i did shoot the deputy

the unfortunate predicament
i find myself in
on this day of unrelentless love and admiration for another
is that i have not secured myself a valentine
the impending result
that i do not foresee the delicious gift of chocolate
in my immediate future
hoh hum
Sunday, February 11, 2007
special offer!
free air guitar
to the next 100 visitors
Saturday, February 10, 2007
radmad supports diabetes
so i
this is mr.radmad for night
mr. radmad for a night
...this is everybody
play nice
i'm off for a day of snowshoeing
Friday, February 09, 2007
the rebuttal

take that god
oh and i will be going here tonight

hanstar and i are going to
thislooks like fun
five hundred plus people
the bachelors are very attractive
but i think i will not buy one
Thursday, February 08, 2007
in the not so distant future
i think i may seek and conquer
a new daytime gig
my boss is going to be a regular on a tv show now
and i'm secretly devising a plan
to get her to replace marilyn dennis
or maybe that preggers blonde chick
on breakfast television
she's too cute and doll-like
and wears flower prints
i think girls that have a flaw
are much prettier than barbie doll types
for example
i find maggie gyllenhaal
to be a true beauty
she's not perfect
but she has a lovely natural uniqueness about her
some days i wish i was blasted rich
because i'm kinda sick of working for my money
this coming from me
who on most thursdays is asked by her boss
to leave early so she can meet her
in the city at some after-work bar or another
aside from me liking to drink wine
and yap with the chick (pseudoname for my boss
who is more like a best friend)
i don't particularly enjoy
i hate the afterwork crowd
i wish someone would bring in a can
of polkadot paint and splash it all over
their pretentious
holier than thou
then they would all look like the clowns
they try so hard to pretend they're not
i'm thinking about training
to become
the world's fastest snowshoe runner
oh and vanilla cognac is potent stuff

i think i may sneak some into a starbucks this afternoon
to make my work day lots of fuuuuuuuuuun
oh and to get ready for tonight
see explanation above
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
one way ticket

i believe
that perhaps God
is trying to say something to me
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
a new kind of bump bumper stickers
have been stuck in many places
across the city
one resides in a men's latrine in Yorkdale mall
there is another one
on a light post on the u of t campus
i have had no hand
in this shameless act of self-promotion
i do however
revel in
the action
i'm more curious than anything
as to whether there is the outlandish chance
of being sued by that big hotel company
Monday, February 05, 2007
she'd be my friend

this little british tartlet
has such saucy lyrics
not bad for a twentyone year old
wise beyond her years
hope she doesn't think
are gonna get any rosier
Go away now, let me go,
Are you stupid? Or just a little slow?
Go away now I've made myself clear
Nah it's not gonna happen
Not in a a million years
Friday, February 02, 2007
i spy

i decided i did not want to go to work today
i am counting down until when i will eat my tomotoe soup
i washed my hair and it is drying on the table
i am contemplating whether i will go out to a bar tonight
i question how i always manage to get into mischief
i wonder how my legs will feel after running 26km saturday morning
i almost fell on ice and i think madison laughed
i washed new bed sheets and can't wait to sleep on them
i sometimes contemplate the meaning of life
i will be seeing my astrologer in march
i wonder if sometimes i sound preachy
i have managed to eat tofu every day this week
i need a new outfit to wear next friday
i don't want to be romanced
i think sometimes i should write a "how to" book
i seem to be too busy doing nothing to call myself lazy
i think it's time to start marketing my next party
i like the way the candlelight is dancing on my wall
i have to decide where to go on vacation
i like how la senza sells nice workout wear
i realize that life is short
i am autographed and up for bid on ebay
Thursday, February 01, 2007
stop your whining girlie

conversation from last friday night
forgot i drafted it
it's a very exciting read
not really
oh and for the record
i was in bed by 10pm
DANK says:
DANK says:
you home? says:
DANK says:
what you do tonight? says:
DANK says:
DANK says:
wass that....? says:
i do nothing
DANK says:
DANK says:
DANK says:
DANK says:
DANK says:
DANK says:
DONT tell me
DANK says:
sigh... says:
no plans. it's true
DANK says:
DANK says:
DANK says:
dont yell it out
DANK says:
people will HEAR!!!! says:
yup. it's embarassing
DANK says:
yea...for us too
DANK says:
we have a status to maintin... says:
you never go out. how is that embarassing?
DANK says:
we tell people you are goin out FOR us
DANK says:
and they think that's cool
DANK says:
our person not going out on a friday is NOT cool
DANK says:
at all says:
oooooooooh. that's alot of pressure.
DANK says:
DANK says:
good week? says:
meh says:
i'm in a rut
DANK says:
how so?
DANK says:
a nut in a rut? says:
i'm monumentally bored right now.... i need a new goal in life. work is good, running has been great, friends amazing... i need something to strive for.
DANK says:
DANK says:
something artistic? says:
DANK says:
DANK says:
become a mom? says:
DANK says:
no huh?.....
DANK says:
DANK says:
become involved polically? says:
DANK says:
another sport? says:
besides running, biking, weights, walking maddie and now snowshoeing.... ummmm. no
DANK says:
DANK says:
so?? says:
i'm in a woah is me... yet my life is fuk'n great kind of mood. i can see why superstars use and abuse. out of boredom
DANK says:
DANK says:
well that is tough
DANK says:
my life rocks, but i'm bored...
DANK says:
killing spree? says:
now you're talkin'! says:
maybe i should rent natural born killers tonight to get some tips on how to do it and then watch CSI to get ideas on how to cover it up
DANK says:
DANK says:
you could do that says: