Saturday, July 29, 2006
so i just walked through
the annoying chaos that is the beaches jazz festival
Thursday, July 27, 2006

i'm not sure
but i think the chihuahua
might be involved in some sort
of terrorist activity
and i would give $100
and dedicate a karaoke song
to any person that can spell chihuahua
without looking it up
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
this is the best invention since string cheese
beach frisbee rules
and it might rule at the party too
if you're lucky
and here are some truths that i had
to defend to my death this week:
- eggs do not have carbs
- chris farley is not funny
- i am not a good person to answer your phone when a new boy calls
- crown royal has no carbs either
- i do not always start my stories by saying "i didn't
think i had that much to drink"
Saturday, July 22, 2006
dj jazzy rad's next fest

that's right
another one
come out and meet radmad
and her friends
dank's hot wife
and lots more
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
dasterdly predicament

it sucks when you are dating
and you sometimes get drunk
and can't remember if you told them
that you blog
cause then you're not 100% certain
if you can talk shit
and tell stories
about them
fuk protecting the innocent i say
they're all guilty
but i will
cause some of em
know where i live
bye bye birdie

i was walking home from the beach
and up one of my neigbours' laneways
there was a fallen seagull
his wing was broke
and he was struggling to balance
and looked in pain and sad
so i called the humane society
who made me call animal control
to "take care of it"
i didn't want to ask what they were going to do
cause i'm pretty sure i knew
i mean it's just a seagull
a dime a dozen
but it hurt to see him
and i think there is no worse fate
than suffering
Monday, July 17, 2006
russian to see you
what a dichotomy says the guy. and she liked the word
hey ho

girls weekend at the cottage
happened again

we still love eggs
maybe one of us should just raise
a damn chicken already

and there was much less weedage
at the cottage next door
so we parked our hot asses
on the dock
and made the nosey old lady
next door hate us
because we were 20 years less of a bitch
than her
and her husband thought we were juuuust fine

this is what i would not look like
if i never made it onto
canada's next top dork

and she looked into his eyes
and told him her secrets
and he sat there mesmorized
until he decided it was time
to go back to his miserable

who would have thought
that not only can the chicks
up in bobcaygeon outsing me
at my own game
but they out sequin me too
damn them
for thwarting my plans to make it big
guns and roses are alive and well
forty dolla maka me holla
how to spend your entire weekend
in one dress
by radmad

step #1 - don't take it off
even if you think you need to shower
Friday, July 14, 2006
curb nazi

so far this week

i have bought 3 dresses
5 bottles of wine
and a partridge in a pear tree

i came home from work on wednesday night
and there was yet another car
parked in front of my house
but with it's tail end
overhanging the curb
covering up part of my driveway

so i called parking authority
and they came
and started writing a ticket
when across yonder
some guy on the roof yells "hey that's my car"
then i scream "well nice parking job, it's overhanging my driveway"
so parking guy asks if i still want the ticket issued
given that the guy is across the street
(thank god way up on high)
and i respond with a "yes please"
so then i signed the ticket
and waited patiently for my car
to be keyed
it has not yet been retaliated against
ps. that's pilate playing up there
he's yummy
cocoa puff

megan just brought home
lemon and black pepper
flavoured chocolate
it's official
i will eat anything
if it is covered in chocolate
even spice
Thursday, July 13, 2006
leader of the pack
dank is officially
one of my favourite people ever
i'm not the easiest person to "get"
but he gets me
and then he tells me to fuk off

if i was a bare naked lady
i'll never be a lady
so if i was a bare naked trollup
and i had a million dollars
i wouldn't buy him a monkey
or a green dress

i'd buy him a bike
so he could ride it around
and not get me coffee
or a chocolate cake
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
tressed for success

How to Have Longer Hair
by radmad
step 1: spend $125 on human hair extensions
step 2: spend $80.25 +tip to have them coloured to match
your own newly dyed expresso/mocha locks
and voila
step 3: clip in throughout your head region
and watch miraculously as 3 inches
of additional hair
creeps gently down your back
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
this is a....
madison montage
i know it should have some appropriate
mood setting
music playing
in the background
like that home video show
so how bout this...
"she's got a way about her"
and enjoy...

the end
officially sought

turns out party host guy
messages our friend
to say that after we left
a shitload of people showed up
in droves
and they had no idea who they were
or where they came from
then he apologized for being a dik
i'm initiatlly thinking that this is all very fine
and dandy
then i'm thinking that karma
might turn around and bite us on the ass
when i have my radmad jazzy schanaz party
end of july
as long as no one can sing better than me
then i'm okaybeeee
Sunday, July 09, 2006
how to seek revenge 101

tips to crashing a party
go to the residance party
of a friend's pseudo friend
that she hasn't seen in 5 years
who invites her to his house party
and he's a photographer for city tv
and you figure there will some cool people
arrive at the party
accept the offer made by the host to have
a plastic glass of red wine
stand in the middle of an almost barren living room
so you can hear a girl mention that there
are too many "randoms" at the party
interrupt the conversation and ask if you yourself
are considered a random
understand by her response
and blatent pfffff
that you are
go downstairs to gather up your amies
and talk your way into a another drink
on the way out
before departing
steal all the bags of candy from the bar table
hop into a cab only to hear girly friend
send homeless bloaks to the house party at 5X soho
travel to the madison
where your new friend is a bouncer

and have hanstar announce over piano man's microphone
that there is an after party at 5X soho
hope in your heartest of hearts
that chaos implodes
Friday, July 07, 2006

so dan found this old copy of a magazine
one of the great things about hannah
is that i find new things out about her
every day
oh and my cortisol is officially
higher than imaginable
i can start running again
but first
i must nurse this silly hangover
Thursday, July 06, 2006
five finger discount

i stole this from sj
because he won't put it up on his blog
because he refuses to deal
with his insane ability to write
raspberry fields forever

so i had my hair coloured last night
and i still have dye on my neck
that i can't get off
then i went for a stand up tan
and i have a goggle strap line
on my forehead
sometimes it's best to leave well enough alone
but today is friday for me
cause i have tomorrow off
but really it should be wednesday
because of the whole monday off
tonight i shall drink some wine
the 14th straight day
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
so me and dan have decided
to become professional bbq party havers
and such is the case
he has suggested we all join AA

well that is an option
or we could just buy shares in LCBO
try Angus cab from Australia
it is good

mockery is the highest form of...
oh just fuk off dank
and get your own self-indulgent, egocentricalistical pose

and hey
even better than joining AA
maybe they would want me to moonlight
teaching drunk asshats how to...
play frisbee
in the sand
in a dress
holding a large glass of red wine
without spilling a drop
by catching it with your eye instead
between the legs

dan has been bikesitting for a few weeks
cause he just got his motorcycle license

and last weekend
he kept coming downstairs
wanting me and meg to send him on a mission
a mission so he could drive around town with purpose
i had spent 3 hours of my day researching for an article
i have to write
and needed a break

so i sent the lad for porn