Wednesday, November 30, 2005
maybe demi & tom are pro-bono these days

So i've had to remove
The Ballad of young Jimmy Chokerschmidt
cause apparantly Rick Springfield
and his lawyer
are initiating legal action
something about us having slandered his name
he just can't handle the truth
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
tricky tricktrickster

i learned a new card trick
but that was a couple weeks ago
i fear i may forget the intriquecies
required to amaze and dazzle with it again
the best trick i know
is getting a cork out of an empty wine bottle
without breaking the bottle
that one has won me accolades
i can also fashion a penis
out of a dinner napkin
made my grams blush with that one
oh i'm so dirty
Sunday, November 27, 2005
666 thousand calories

there was not one movie at rogers
that i wanted to watch
and i hate will farrell
so there was no way i was gonna sit through
unless there was a bottle of booze
anchored in my fist
so we watched the omen
and it was good
and i want to see the sequel
so hopefully he gets his little bratass kicked
but alas i have come down from my sugar high
of chocolate covered almonds
chocolate chip cookies
peanut smarties
peanut m&m's
and reese cup
so all i need now is a stomach pump
and a pillow
the energizer outfit

i swear
i'm going to be buried in this dress
altough i think this time
i have to get it professionally cleaned or something
i tried to get the white chocolate marks out
with eye makeup remover
that wasn't such a bright idea
Sunday, November 20, 2005
dog wantin' a bone

it's not that i'm jealous
but if my wee biatch
keeps trying to grab
sj's nuts
we're going to have to have a little chat
Friday, November 18, 2005
barf simpson

3 glasses of red wine
and radmad gets the munchies
she needs her chocolate
it's her heroine
sj won't stop on the way home
so radmad waited till sj went to bed
and anhiliated
his entire advent calendar
christmas ain't coming for you this year

j-girl is not only pretty
but she has crazy stalkers
which makes her also very cool
and even knows first hand
that eddie vedder has bad breath
blue like papa smurf

this picture would be way cooler
if my name was roger
ho ho ho where's da party at?

if you're invited
if you're not
you will get to look at the pictures
and if you want
you can photoshop yourself in

is 26 straight rehearsals overkill?
Monday, November 14, 2005
that's nuts

planters peanuts has thought up a new contest
they have put GPS locators in three of their jars
so if you buy a winning jar
they will find YOU
holy shit
first of all
how fukn' creepy
second of all
if i won
i'd jam the GPS thingy in a the belly of a shit hawk
and watch the mayhem unfold
Friday, November 11, 2005
spinach spinster

where the hell
did popeye go?
i haven't heard much from him
in the past few years
and does sesame street
exist anymore?
maybe there is only x-box
Monday, November 07, 2005
big hair in Guam

it's time to grow the eyebrows out
and get big hair again

sj, me and the pooch
sat while robbie and his band
ampedshot a music video at some highschool
in scarlam
we'll probably be in it
and it might get aired
sj thinks they are going to get hardcore
in Guam
Sunday, November 06, 2005
run fooooorrest ruuuuuun

first 10k race
damn kenyans have nitrous oxide
running through their veins

my pacer rhea
kicked my ass in the last leg
for a finish time of 52:12
might have been able to knock
a few minutes off
if i hadn't engaged in heavy toxins
on friday night
and stayed up late enough
for it turn into fukn' early
stopped at the local running room
on the way home today
to join a half marathon clinic
21k here i cum
Thursday, November 03, 2005
guess what word i'm thinking of
and it's not kitty
hit and miss

sometimes the only way you can remember
kinda what happened
is when you badger the chick with the camera
to please send shots from the night
and to this day i still don't get
the movie
sucks session planning
i met a guy who runs
like me
in the wee hours
along the boardwalk
his name is michael
we exchanged basic info like
how far do you run
how long have you been in the beaches
what do you do
so a week or so later
he gives me his business card
and tells me there is a Sr VP position
i spoke with him for a half hour or so
over the phone
sounds like a great opportunity
i have found that through my years
i am quite the paradox
fiercely loyal
yet equally fearful of commitment