Monday, August 29, 2005
she played with barbies
so cute in her handmade dress
and aphgan
made with love with gramma

now she thinks barbie
is a waify douche
with legs of lace
and heart of dust

legs were made for speed
and for wrapping around
the torso of a darkhaired lover
sj ages like vino

there is not much difference
between being seasick
and being hungover

i should know
both snuck
under my belt this weekend
but let me say
being drunk
makes the seasickness subside

but nothing that a
nice bellyrub won't

happy birthday my sweet!
Sunday, August 28, 2005
first he tells her how pretty
she is
then he gives her a look
that sends shivers
of hot lust
through her veins

then he mounts
and goes until
she screams in ecxtasy

or until we catch him
and he's all
"gosh, fukn' one more minute
till i'm done bitches"
Thursday, August 18, 2005
shark bait
not everyone
gets the same kickstart
in life
that most of us do
but the strongest of these few
keep smiling despite the odds
smiling with big brown eyes
i wonder if
animal hospitals
allow helium balloons
that say
"get better fast,
cause there are sticks to eat,
squirrels to taunt and
pillows to romance"
Monday, August 15, 2005
this women's work

i have met my match
and we did it our way

kate bush came up from NYC
to rock a show on my kickass
karaoke machine

it even does some sweet jumps
on top of spagetti
i sing in it
i suntan in it
i grow my hair underneath it
i spray it with perfume
so it smells nice
i drink wine in it
and crown and diet
and turn down free drinks from
greasy mobsters cause i have a
cooler boyfriend in it
i go to rockshows in it
i contemplate the death penalty in it
i learn that Bertusi isn't a bad guy
in it
i even try to catch
bitches in it

it's my hat
and it needs to be washed
Saturday, August 13, 2005

damn damn damn
couldn't delve up the courage
to ask martha
if it was really martha
sitting in the fukn'
or was it the furkin
in other nothingness

i have a date tonight
his name is dave
maybe if it goes well
i'll let my dad meet him
Thursday, August 11, 2005
exterminating since 1976

when you leap across the room
at five ten in the morning
to step on a centipede
cause they are fast
little fuk'rs
sometimes you will find
that a few of the legs
break free from the body
and wiggle about
then you wonder
if the fella can still breath...
then will be lead a happy
and productive life
as a sixty sevenepede?
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
she wants me

in her own hood
why the fuk are you taking
a picture of that hydro box
you're not
you're taking a picture of mine

my new cool blonde chick friend
still the hippest ever
in my books
even when hungover
especially when doing shots
from our table

and wondering why the chicken
has left the pizza crust
or was it even there
to begin with?

red snapper
incense to cover
the smell of the
red snapper
an olfactoric calamity
Sunday, August 07, 2005
aim shoot fire

were used by indians
to kill deer
and wild beasts
to place on fine china
dinner plates
is also a trotting ground
for the likes of city folk
who need to
get the fuk
outta town
if it were leagues under the sea

das right
Thursday, August 04, 2005
no capes on ice
for some reason

i don't think
batman would be benched
weekend of eff you enn
here are 3 tender
that should be uttered from
every rooftop and across every sea

back off
get your own style
GI dork

SJ is entering arachnnid history
as the Hitler of the race

sj and radmad: 0
fish: 7,546

they bought it
they drank it
they got silly
i carried the fukn' thing

radmad has skills

indy lives in BC
his family has a cottage
in Ontario
on an island
6 freaking hours upnorth