vanity of clicking
self portraits
of action
or face slants
have been temporarily been replaced
by the vanity of the print
the editor of this mag

asked me to submit schtuff
back in the day
apparantly i'm old
and too canuck
cause now i'm radmad
from NY
and 22 years young
if only
i was draped in a polyester bridesmaid dress
last week
atop the platform in a tailor shop
some chick came in and gasped
"oh what a beautiful dress...
is it for your prom?"

fuk it
i won't lie
i dug it
so as aaron lewis belted it
it's been a while
here's the lowdown
its and bits of me blog
got it's grits published
more to come
i've come up with a brilliant
it's gonna fly
and it involves scales and breasts
sj has offered to help me
with the breasts part

here's hintin' at you kid
the dogs outwitted
and downandoutpissedoff
sj yesterday
i know it's gay to giggle
but i did
i inhaled by bellowing laughter
but really
if it's been pissing rain
and there's more to come
shinin' up the mutts
prior to taking them to a dirt pile
ain't usually gonna
equal white fur
i'm not sayin'...
i was just tinklin
in my drawers
gotta find a scanner
an irish boy sings about love
and obsession
and wanting
until he finds someone new
i heard once that you can never
be happy in love with one person
if you believe
in love at first sight
for you will always be looking
out the corner of your eye
for that next glance
of the girl walking towards you
from across the street
through the crowds
approaching you
and so it all begins

how much life can one person
jam into a coupla weeks?
apparantly lots
sometimes the days lag
and drag
and don't stop
other times they lick by faster
than a well trained hooker
on a throbbing hard dik
you bet
if god decides to replace the pope...
then first off
i hope it's someone who is not hip
to my athiest hop
and they must also be willing
to align the mighty heavens
in such a beautiful mirage
as the heaven that is
the chocolate store
that is erected so divinely
a block from zee doorstep of the house
in which i reside
i know that the signs adorning
the front steps of the cathedral churches
claim that the god almighty is with us
but i never quite thought that
he supported my chocolate addiction
to such extremes