Friday, February 25, 2005
get shorty

so i applied to cityline's
for toronto's next top model
on a whimsical flare
i'm pretty sure
my appy won't make it past the first online page
i'm probably vertically challenged by about 5inches
and my response to
who is your favourite supermodel and why
was that i don't have one
well i don't
but i gave a longwinded reason why
and blah blah all models are unique
blah inner strength blah
commitment to health blah
and the pictures i submitted
a head shot
and what radmad has come to post
as a body shot
are likely not what they
are looking for
better that it not work out anyhow
i don't want to be one of those girls
that doesn't eat french fries
for real
but has to eat them because
everyone thinks she starves herself
so she eats french fries to assure them she doesn't
but in reality really just has no desire
to eat them anyways
ever had a date square
as good as the one i just ate?
didn't think so.
shaken not stirred

bellydancing classes start wednesday
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
think before you speak
i've carried around this thought
for a couple of years now
and i voiced it for the first time ever
to sj
in an IKEA restaurant
a couple weeks ago
what would be the net effect
if you were working out on a machine
at the gym
and all of a sudden
the combined effect of all the
workout activities
that were happening at that time
were infused into your body

i know that technically
biologically blah blah
you'd be all dead
but if you didn't die
and you could take it all in
that would be a shitload of calories lost
then you could even go into mcdonalds
and do the same thing
with all the people eating bigmacs and fries
and other greasy shit
then you'd put lots back on
but if you didn't go to mcdonalds
but subway instead
and not even a busy one
then you'd be super fit

and people would make fun of you
and all your thin ness
while they garfed down a supersized meal deal
update of sorts
so i've been kinda
from the world lately
laying low
counting the days
until the winter decides to fuk right off
i like to think of it as refueling
and being all excited about my life
in a quiet subtle kind of way
haven't taken many pics
here's an oldy circa 2001

fatter yet not without intense funk
been contemplating
the development and design of
an untapped product line
buy omega 3 / DHA milk and cheese
i have shares and they're doing shit
i wanna retire
and do fun, thoughtless things
especially on mondays
the rest of the week i'd go go go
be unstoppable
except when passing a second cup
then i'd stop for just a sec
Friday, February 18, 2005
i'm getting rid of my pc
upgrading from the circa 65
i'm currently tippy typing on
we're getting laptoppers at zee work
that will be nice
i hope my screen has space
for all my little coloured
sticky notes
and the picture of my bitch
sporting a batgirl costume
that has to come
i'm cleaning out my docs
it's like opening an old shoe box
that holds all your trinkets and notes
and there are pictures from years ago
this is me
age 18
picture taken professionally for a hair magazine
you know the bigass oversized ones in salons
that kind

holy big hair batman
i have other pics
they might show up here and there
chew me out a little longer
i think they're great
the antichrist
charity telemarketers
that call and are all sweet
and nice and sugary
until you tell them you can't donate
how do these people not feel horrible
i know they have a tough job
and that there are likely 10 people
who are mad and abusive
for every person that actually donates
but i am always nice
and empathetic
and say that i would like to help
but really can't manage it at the present time
you'd think they would say "no problem, i understand
maybe next year"
but no
they simply say fine
or just hang up
i hate that
i feel kinda used

i also am wishing my stick of big red
hadn't just shattered onto my lap
they are tempermental little suckers
when they reach 6months old
Monday, February 14, 2005
Friday, February 11, 2005
raddy from the block

i'm movin to brooklyn
i gots to
westside needs the hip of my hop
who can formulate
and annunciate
a rap
like words drip from a tap
'bout soap in da shower
has got da power
rad needs to represent
you got my back?

i guess i just need a black fishnet shirt
Thursday, February 10, 2005
mean bird
are you pitching a tent or just happy to see me?
it's almost over
winter is almost done
know how i know?
cause we booked our first camping weekend
of the summer
fuk mr. groundhog and his faded shadow
fuk mr. weatherman and his jaded outlook
i can see it now
bikini in the sun
sprawled out on a beachtowel
crown and d in one hand
lotion in the other
greta garbo sunglasses
adorning the visage
of a sunkissed cheek
and campfire glow
Saturday, February 05, 2005
wallflowers dance too
so me and
da judge
are havin' another party
if you want a vip pass
email me the top two good reasons
you should be allowed
to get one
they're not sold in stores
and you can't win a gold foil covered one
in a bubble gum machine
as if it were a movie rental
at blockbuster
Friday, February 04, 2005
are sadly the least talked about fruit
possibly one of the most delicious
better off bare
it's like that time
when she bought a new shirt
the best one she'd found
since she could remember last
it was a jewel
a gem
and she looked dashing
and wanted everyone to see her glow in it
but instead
she kept it tucked away
hanging in the back of her closet
and she would forget about it
and then remember it was there
and smile
because it was going to amaze one day
so she kept saving it
anticipating the event she would
pull it over her head
and do her hair all messy nice
well that day came
and she wore it in bliss
along with two other girls
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
name dropper
i can be so oblivious sometimes
rockin' rob thinks we're social sluts
cause we talk to people
who look interesting
i started yappin to some guy at the Drake Motel
as usual
a cool night is when
you can go to a bar
with a bunch of people
and end up talking to
a whole new bunch of people
and then turn around and meet
a person who you didn't know
was in flicks
yeah so i was yapping
with that josh guy from threesome
i had no idea
never seen the movie
i guess that's when steven baldwin
hadn't yet packed on a pound
of idiocy on each hip
and then that josh guy from
and joules the drummer too i guess
then i felt bad
so asked them if i was cramping
their style
cause they might want to be picking
up girls
cause the girls there are quite fine
but they said it's okay
and so i invited them to our party
i don't care who they are
they wait in line for the mic
it's back
and more badass than ever
aren't product developers
absolutely lame
bring back a classic
add a new brain freeze piece
a brand schpanking
new game
let's sell it to all the nostalgic chumps
who played it in their youth
so they can neatly stack it
next to their new friendship care bear
and dukes of hazzard movie ticket
enter chump
originally for jay from santa
who never showed for christmas
it sat and sat
and i waited and waited in anticipation
before maniacally unwrappin it this satr'day
just as fuk'n fun as i remember it
high 5 hasbro!
fall of an empire
so i have googly woogly
as my homepage
and given that i'm not terribly self obsessed
and maybe a bit self depracating at times
i've not listed c'est blog as a fav
and quite frankly to clicky click
there and scroll down there
and click
it's too much work
so thing is
when typing my radmad AKA name
i was always under the Radisson HOtel Madison
as the first link
well ya
i'm number one now baby
because there have to be tons
and oodles
and kallasle amounts of people
typing in radmad to find a hotel
so i'm now just gonna sit back
and wait for Mr. Radisson to email me
asking if he can purchase
my url
or request that i change my name
but you know that can't happen
they just couldn't afford
to buy me out
although a trip to south africa
to swim with sharks
might be a nice trade